Curriculum vitae


Master of Mathematics
Track Analysis & Dynamic Systems
Sep 2018 – Aug 2022
University of Amsterdam

Bachelor of Mathematics
Sub-Direct Sums of Matrices in the Finite Element Method
Sep 2014 – Aug 2018
University of Amsterdam


Very good grade
Mathematics master thesis: 9.4

Honorary mention
Best Tutor of the KdvI faculty in Sep 2020 – Jun 2021


I am passionate about mathematics and have an enquiring mind. I enjoy being a creative problem solver and excel in responsible tasks, while also being able to effectively communicate difficult concepts to others. Collaboration and teamwork are enjoyable aspects of my work. Additionally, I have a passion for music and play the piano every day. Interestingly, music has helped me to solve mathematical problems. I am also proficient in three languages and hold two nationalities.


Teaching Assistant
Organise practicals, present exercises and answer bachelor math students’ questions
Jun 2020 – Jun 2022
University of Amsterdam

Master student mentor
Weekly discussions with three students on Zoom
Autumn 2021
University of Amsterdam

Pianist and composer
Performing and co-composing the film score of ‘Mother Land’
Summer 2020
LPMA Productions, Finland

Arithmetic teacher for elementary school children
Teaching arithmetic to children from difficult backgrounds or with large arrears
Oct 2015 – Feb 2016
Nederlands Mathematisch Instituut, Amstelveen


Analytical thinking     Collaboration      Composing

Writing     Problem solving     Programming in Matlab